Gooch Family Dental

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Feb 12, 2022 @ 12:06 AM — by Gooch Dental
Tagged with: Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Many adults admit to feeling anxious about going to the dentist. Often, anxiousness is tied to concerns about dental treatment being painful. Although most dental procedures can be performed without the patient experiencing any significant discomfort, it is natural to feel anxious about professional dental care.

At Gooch Family Dental, Dr. Burton Gooch offers nitrous oxide sedation to ease dental anxiety. Nitrous oxide puts patients into a relaxed state so that they feel emotionally and physically comfortable throughout treatment. Nitrous oxide allows our Birmingham, AL, patients to get the dental care that is essential to their oral health and overall well-being.

Nitrous Oxide Candidates

Nitrous oxide can be used on children, teens, and adults. Ideal candidates for this form of sedation dentistry include:

How Is Nitrous Oxide Administered?

Nitrous oxide is commonly referred to as laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is administered in our dental office, immediately prior to treatment. Nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen and is inhaled through a small face mask. The anesthetic is absorbed into the lungs as the patient breathes.

Many of our Birmingham patients prefer nitrous oxide over IV sedation, because it does not require the use of needles. At the end of treatment the breathing mask is removed and the effects of the nitrous oxide gradually wear off as the patient continues to breathe naturally. Although the effects of nitrous oxide are somewhat mild, patients will need to have a friend or family member drive them home after their dental treatment.

Is Nitrous Oxide Safe?

When administered by a trained professional, nitrous oxide sedation is very safe. Nitrous oxide places our Birmingham patients in a state of conscious sedation. Rather than putting patients to sleep, nitrous oxide simply relaxes the mind and body. This means that patients continue to breathe on their own and are able to interact with Dr. Gooch throughout treatment. Nitrous oxide is also completely safe for the organs of the body. 

Benefits of Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, and sedation dentistry in general, offer a number of benefits to individuals who suffer from dental anxiety, and those who require extensive dental work. Some of the most notable benefits of nitrous oxide include:

Contact Gooch Family Dental

If you are avoiding professional dental care because of fear or anxiety, then your oral health is at risk. Nitrous oxide sedation allows you to restore and preserve your smile without experiencing unnecessary pain or stress. To learn more about nitrous oxide and the other sedation dentistry techniques offered at Gooch Family Dental, send us a message online, or call us at (205) 545-8001.