Gooch Family Dental

Can Veneers Conceal Crooked Teeth?

Aug 30, 2020 @ 02:17 PM — by Burton Gooch
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

While crooked teeth are often a cosmetic issue, they can also affect your bite and dental function. At our Birmingham, AL, dental practice, our doctors can use veneers to mask crooked teeth. Porcelain veneers are thin, durable ceramic shells that are customized to fit over your teeth. They are a great way to enhance self-esteem by providing patients with a brand-new smile.

During a consultation, our dentists will examine your teeth to determine if veneers are the right choice. We can go over your goals and develop a customized treatment program. At Gooch Family Dental, our team strives to provide you with the best results.

The Effects of Crooked Teeth

Crooked teeth can be more than just a cosmetic issue. Due to their misalignment, crooked teeth can be harder to keep clean. If plaque and bacteria are not sufficiently removed, tooth decay can develop. Prolonged tooth decay could lead to tooth loss. Additionally, if the teeth push forward and out, they can be more prone to chipping and breaking.

Best Candidates for Veneers

At our Birmingham, AL, office, we will assess your teeth and overall oral health to determine if you are a good candidate for veneers. In general, veneers are only suitable for patients who do not have tooth decay or gum disease. We can address these issues prior to recommending cosmetic care.

In cases of severely misaligned teeth, the veneers would not fit properly and look natural. If you have very crooked teeth, you may be better suited for alternative treatments, such as orthodontics. 

The Veneer Process

Our team can place veneers in two appointments. During your first visit, the doctor removes a small portion of the enamel from the surface of each treated tooth. This ensures that your veneers will lay flat and smooth. The doctor will then take impressions of your teeth and send them to the lab. The lab will customize your porcelain veneers to resemble your natural teeth. In some cases, the dentist can create the veneers in our office with the CEREC® machine, so you would only need one appointment.

For patients who require a second visit, usually two to three weeks later, the doctor will place the permanent veneers at this time. The veneers will be bonded to your teeth, and your doctor will ensure a proper fit.

How Do I Maintain My Veneers?

Veneers typically last 10 to 15 years if cared for properly. Your dentist will give you instructions on how to care for and maintain your veneers for the best results. Additionally, patients should practice good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. 

Patients should also watch what types of food they consume. Biting down on hard candy, nuts, and other hard foods could crack veneers. Porcelain is stain resistant but it is still a good idea to limit drinking beverages that could cause stains on your natural teeth like wine, coffee, and tea.

Special Considerations

For patients who are not candidates for veneers, there are other options like traditional braces and Invisalign®. Your dentist can customize a treatment plan to straighten your teeth for a more dazzling smile. 

Schedule a Consultation

We encourage patients who want to learn more about veneers for crooked teeth to contact us at (205) 545-8001. You can also message us to schedule a consultation and determine if veneers are right for you.