Gooch Family Dental

Treatments for a Twisted Tooth

Dec 12, 2017 @ 01:35 PM — by Burton Gooch
Tagged with: Crooked Teeth Orthodontics

Twisted teeth can ruin a smile in more ways than one. That's why a number of patients throughout the Birmingham area visit our cosmetic dentistry practice. We offer many treatment options that can improve the alignment and appearance of your smile.

Let's take a moment to consider why twisted teeth are a problem and then highlight a few options for treatment. The right treatment for you can be determine when you stop by the practice for a visit.

Cosmetic Problems Caused by Twisted Teeth

A tooth that's twisted can lead to a number of aesthetic flaws. For one, the twisted teeth may be a source of self-consciousness, making you feel hesitant to laugh, smile, and speak, even around people you have known for many years. In addition, people who have jobs that involve a lot of public interaction may experience poorer job performance because of their twisted teeth.

Dental Health Problems Caused by Twisted Teeth

In terms of the dental health problems related to twisted teeth, they are plentiful. Twisted teeth can make biting and chewing difficult, and in some instances even painful. Twisted teeth have also been known to contribute to teeth grinding (bruxism). This gnashing and clenching of the teeth at night can result in gum recession, tooth damage, sore teeth, and even jaw problems such as TMJ disorders (TMD).

Cosmetic and Restorative Treatments for Twisted Teeth

When the twisted tooth is only a minor issue and predominantly cosmetic in nature, the ideal treatment option may be the use of a porcelain veneer or a dental crown.

Orthodontic Care for Twisted Teeth

For the vast majority of people who have twisted teeth, the ideal option for treatment is orthodontic care. By using braces, headgear, palatal spacers, and other appliances, force can be carefully applied and adjusted to the teeth. Over time, the teeth and structures of the mouth will shift, improving dental alignment. This addresses cosmetic and health problems related to crooked teeth.

Ideally, orthodontic care should be performed sooner in life rather than later since the treatment will typically be faster and easier. That said great results are possible with adult orthodontic treatment.

Oral Surgery and Advanced Treatment Options

When orthodontic care alone will not be enough to address the issues a patient faces, more advanced measures will need to be taken. This generally means oral surgery. Dental surgery allows various structures to be adjusted and altered with greater control and precision. Following oral surgery, orthodontic care or restorative procedures may be used to improve the final alignment of the smile.

Since dental surgery procedures are custom designed to the patient, the exact nature of your treatment will require discussion during an in-office consultation.

Contact Gooch Family Dental

For more information on treating twisted teeth and enhancing dental alignment, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist today. The team at Gooch Family Dental is here to help you smile with renewed confidence.