Gooch Family Dental

Porcelain Veneers Replacement Can Keep Your Smile Looking Bright

Sep 11, 2017 @ 09:00 AM — by Burton Gooch
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers Cosmetic Dentistry

At Gooch Family Dental in Birmingham, AL, we provide high-quality services designed to yield long-term results. For example, our porcelain veneers can conceal aesthetic flaws. Made from ultramodern materials, they should last for many years when you care for them properly. Nevertheless, veneers are not permanent, and they will eventually need to be replaced. In other cases, you may have received veneers at another practice, but you do not like the aesthetic results.

Either way, we can often provide new veneers that will be equally realistic, if not more so. If you do not qualify for veneers replacement, we will always recommend an alternative that will give you the stunning smile you deserve.

Reasons to Replace Porcelain Veneers

Because we use top-of-the-line materials, our veneers are very durable and could last up to 20 years. Nonetheless, no synthetic material is as strong as dental tissue. Over time, veneers will eventually break or come off due to the constant force from biting and chewing. You can delay this occurrence by taking proper care of your restorations. For example, you should not chew your nails or engage in other activities that would put excessive force on the porcelain. Of course, you should also be proactive about your oral hygiene, since a cavity will damage your tooth and the overlying veneer.

You may also want to replace your porcelain veneers if you do not like the way that they look. We will take great care with the planning process to ensure the desired results. If you are not happy immediately afterwards, we will make any necessary adjustments.

However, other practitioners do not take the same level of care. If so, we are ready to improve your results. Furthermore, we can adjust our veneers if you do not like the look later down the road. For instance, you may have received teeth whitening, and now your veneers do not match the new color of your teeth. New veneers can give you a more uniform smile.

The Veneers Replacement Process

When you receive updated veneers, the treatment process will be nearly identical to the placement of your original restorations. Your dentist will remove the old porcelain and the bonding material beneath. Then he or she will take impressions of your teeth for use in crafting your new veneers. If you only want to replace one or two, we will typically use our CEREC® system to take impressions, design your veneers, and attach them all in one day. For a larger number, we will work with a trusted dental lab. Once the veneers are finished, we will use composite resin to put them in place.

Are You a Candidate for Veneers Replacement?

As long as you have enough dental tissue for your dentist to reshape your teeth, you will qualify for veneers replacement. Additionally, your teeth should be strong and healthy. If cavities have weakened their overall structure, you may not qualify for new veneers.

We offer a broad selection of cosmetic treatments and can find an alternative if new veneers are not possible. Dental bonding is the most common option. It offers similar results to veneers, but your dentist will place the composite directly on your teeth. 

Contact Us to Renew Your Beautiful Smile

Learn more about veneers replacement and find out if you qualify for new restorations. Contact Gooch Family Dental online to schedule your cosmetic evaluation.