Gooch Family Dental

Treatments for Tooth Fractures: Repairing Your Smile

Apr 11, 2017 @ 12:00 PM — by Burton Gooch
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

Whether it's a chip or a crack, a damaged tooth needs to be taken seriously. These fractures can lead to a host of problems, so it's better to have a fracture fixed sooner rather than later. The team at our Birmingham restorative dentistry center has a number of treatments for tooth fractures that may prove helpful.

Let's consider the dangers of fractured teeth and then go over some of the most common cosmetic and restorative solutions for these problems.

The Dangers of Fractured Teeth

Tooth fractures pose health problems and cosmetic problems for people.

In terms of dental health, a fractured tooth can lead to serious sensitivity, toothaches, pain, and the risk of further damage to the tooth. In addition, the fracture increases the risk of a root canal infection occurring, which may require tooth extraction if the infection cannot be controlled.

In terms of smile aesthetics, a chip or crack on a tooth can be off-putting. You might feel self-conscious about laughing, smiling, and speaking, even around people you have known for years.

Dental Bonding

For very minor fractures that are cosmetic in nature, dental bonding is the best option. Bonding involves the use of a tooth-colored dental resin that is painted directly onto the structure of your teeth. This masks a chip or crack from view, and the resin blends in seamlessly with your tooth structure.

Porcelain Veneers

For more serious cosmetic fractures, porcelain veneers are an excellent option to consider. Porcelain veneers are thin shells of dental ceramic that are affixed to the fronts of the teeth. When in place, a porcelain veneer masks a dental flaw from view, making a tooth appear pristine and perfect.

Dental Fillings

For fractures that affect the health and overall structure of a tooth, a dental filling is the best option to consider. Commonly uses to treat minor cavities, a filling rebuilds missing tooth structure. This restores a person's ability to bite and chew while protecting the tooth from further damage.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are restorations that are similar to traditional fillings but are larger in size. They can be used to rebuild the cusps (biting surfaces) of the teeth. This allows patients to bite and chew again without worry of serious pain and discomfort.

Dental Crowns

A last resort for restoring a fractured tooth, a dentist can use a dental crown. Crowns are caps that fit over a seriously fractured or decayed tooth. With a crown in place, the healthy tooth structure is protected and a patient can bite and chew again without severe pain or discomfort.

What If a Tooth Cannot Be Restored?

While the use of various cosmetic and restorative treatments can fix a fractured tooth, there are some cases in which a tooth cannot be fixed. When these situations arise, the most ideal option for treatment tends to be tooth extraction. In such cases, a dental bridge may be considered to replace the missing tooth. An implant-supported dental crown is another option.

These matters can be discussed in greater detail during your visit to our practice.

Learn More About Restorative Dentistry Options

For more information about your treatment options for damaged teeth, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic and restorative dentist today. Our team looks forward to your visit and discussing these matters in greater detail.