Gooch Family Dental

Dental Care for Teens

Oct 13, 2015 @ 09:00 AM — by Burton Gooch
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

At Dr. Burton Gooch Family & Cosmetic Dentistry, we strive to provide exceptional dental care that caters to the special needs of patients of all ages, from the youngest member of your family to the most senior. From thorough oral exams and professional cleanings to full mouth reconstruction plans comprising the most advanced restorative dentistry treatments available, we offer solutions to virtually every dental issue that exists. We want to be your family’s one-stop shop for dental care.

If you have a teenager, then you already know that it can be challenging to get him or her excited about going to the dentist. Teens are at an important crossroads when it comes to their oral health. Their teeth and gums are usually still intact and in reasonably good condition, and if they are proactive in going to the dentist twice a year and nipping oral health problems in the bud in their earliest possible stages, there is a good chance they’ll have healthy smiles for a lifetime. However, many teenagers fail to visit the dentist regularly, and many parents do not force the issue - in many cases, because the parents themselves do not go to the dentist regularly, either.

In providing dental care for teens at our Birmingham dental practice, we create a friendly, laid-back atmosphere where they will feel at ease and comfortable. We do not speak down to them, nor do we patronize them. Instead, we treat them like the intelligent young adults they are, providing them with the tools they need to become active participants in their own oral health care. While we may not be able to make dentistry “cool,” we can certainly help teens understand why proper dental care is important, as well as how they can keep their smiles looking great for decades to come - and that is pretty cool, indeed.

Dental Treatments for Teens

In addition to the pediatric dental care that we offer, we provide the following treatments that are particularly popular among teens:

Learn More about Dental Care for Teens

To learn more about the dental care we offer to our teenaged patients, please contact Dr. Burton Gooch Family & Cosmetic Dentistry today.