Gooch Family Dental

Why Support Your Dentures with Dental Implants?

Jun 24, 2014 @ 07:47 AM — by summer
Tagged with: Dental Implants Dentures

Dentures have long been a valuable method of replacing lost teeth, allowing patients to once again eat and speak in a natural, comfortable manner. Still, certain problems are known to arise with dentures, especially when they no longer fit perfectly. Although dentures are traditionally held in place simply by resting over the gum line, an alternative method of support may offer a better solution. With dental implants, patients can ensure a better, more reliable hold from their replacement teeth.

Don’t let your dentures be a source of worry or discomfort. Learn the benefits of dental implant-supported dentures, as provided by our Birmingham cosmetic dentistry practice.   

Common Problems with Dentures

When dentures are fitted properly, such as when they are new, they generally pose very few risks or problems. However, tooth loss and age cause the jaw to change in structure over time, thus changing the shape of the mouth and gums. As a result, dentures may begin to fit poorly as a person’s gums change in shape.

As one may expect, loose dentures are less likely to remain in place. The difference may be subtle at first, and partially correctable through adhesive denture cream, but problems will only continue to worsen, including:

These problems can be avoided by periodic adjustments or replacements to dentures, but there is an even more effective way of creating a lasting fit. With dental implants, dentures can be held in place permanently.

Traditional Dentures vs. Implant-supported Dentures

Conventionally, dentures are fitted with a piece of plastic that is molded to the gum line. This plastic is primarily kept in place through suction and, if needed, adhesive cream. Even when dentures are a good fit, this method still lacks the bite strength and stability of natural teeth.

Implant-supported dentures, on the other hand, are held firmly in place through metal abutments that are attached to dental implants. With just a few implants, dentures can retain a proper fit all of the time while gaining additional bite strength from the jaw. Patients who already have implants from previous restorations may continue to use them for their dentures. If not, the implants can be installed together, reducing the need for more than one procedure or recovery.    

Advantages of Implant-supported Dentures

By using implants to secure your dentures, you can benefit in the following ways:

Can You Benefit from Dental Implants?

Whether used on their own or to support additional restorations, dental implants are an excellent way to restore the look and feel of a full, healthy smile. If you are considering implants for any type of tooth loss, schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. Gooch.